Postcard #1: Wide Open Spaces and Wildlife in San Jose

Dear Matty,


This is San Jose, California, where we spent the first two and a half days of our trip. It’s a good base for our holiday, because it’s familiar and fairly easy.

Though I’ve seen these sights before, the wide, clear streets and the vast open spaces still amaze me.

The wonderful morning surprise of seeing a family of deer outside my window still leaves me in such awe. I still end up like animal paparazzi, trying to take photos before they run away.

I’m still cold, despite the layers, and jet lagged, despite the naps. I’m also excited to see more and do more, and will tell you about it in the coming postcards.

Love, Mommy

(This is my first attempt to blog from my phone instead of my computer. It is my hope that writing these postcards to my dog back home will help to keep me blogging while traveling.)

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