Postcard #12: Meeting Team Crafted in LA


Dear Matty,

Today was the highlight of this vacation for R because he finally met Team Crafted 🙂

He was too shy to ask questions during the Q & A, but R enjoyed the funny stories by SkyDoesMinecraft, Deadlox, BajanCanadian, MinecraftUniverse and JeromeASF (these are their Minecraft usernames, of course). R also really liked SkyDoesMinecraft’s live performance of his popular parody, “New World.”

Perhaps the best part of the whole event was when R was able to meet Team Crafted and get their autographs. I had brought along the drawing of a butter ship that R had made back home in Manila for SkyDoesMinecraft. R was too shy to give it so I had to hand it over and explain 😉 SkyDoesMinecraft was really nice about it. I hope he did keep the drawing.

I’m glad that I wasn’t the only parent there who seemed lost in the whole Minecraft and YouTube world. And I was obviously one of many parents who were there mainly to chaperone and support our kids who loved Minecraft and Team Crafted.

Thankfully, I also got something from this meet and greet. After seeing how the members of Team Crafted interacted with the audience, especially the young kids, I realized that although they are YouTube/Minecraft celebrities, they are also regular guys who are pursuing their passion, putting in the work, and giving back to their fans. (I hope they stay this way.)

Now R has a huge smile on his face and an autographed poster that he says is his treasure 🙂

Love, Mommy

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